Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

Dota 2 - Clockwerk Build Guide

Rattletrap descends from the same far-flung kindred as Sniper and Tinker, and like many of the Keen Folk, has offset his diminutive stature through the application of gadgetry and wit. The son of the son of a clockmaker, Rattletrap was many years apprenticed to that trade before war rode down from the mountains and swept the plains villages free of such innocent vocations. "Your new trade is battle," his dying father told him as the village of their ancestors lay in charred and smoking ruins.

It is a poor tradesman who blames his tools, and Rattletrap was never one to make excuses. After burying his father among the ruins of their village, he set about to transform himself into the greatest tool of warfare that any world had ever seen. He vowed to never again be caught unprepared, instead using his talents to assemble a suit of powered Clockwerk armor to make the knights of other lands look like tin cans by comparison. Now Rattletrap is alive with devices-a small but deadly warrior whose skills at ambush and destruction have risen to near-automated levels of efficiency. An artisan of death, his mechanizations make short work of the unwary, heralding a new dawn in this age of warfare. What time is it? It's Clockwerk time!

Clockwerk has a hook to initiate a teamfight from a long range. This hook is the determiner of the teamfight. If you can make a nice hook, it will greatly help your team to gank and get many kills. So as an initiator you need to learn the hook everyday.
A long range initiating skillLow mana pool
A global AoE skillNeed practice 
Can trap enemies inside a box and beat him upNeed a good positianing
A good map control
A nice initiator
Imba ganker
Dota 2 - Clockwerk Build Guide
Melee - Initiator - Durable

HIT POINTS6061,3242,217SIGHT RANGE1800 / 800

1. Battery Assault
Battery Assault
Discharges high-powered shrapnel at random nearby enemy units, dealing minor magical damage and ministun.
MANA COST: 75/75/75/75COOLDOWN: 32/28/24/20
DAMAGE: 15 / 35 / 55 / 75RADIUS: 275 / 275 / 275 / 275
DURATION: 10.5 / 10.5 / 10.5 / 10.5INTERVAL: 0.7 / 0.7 / 0.7 / 0.7
Some of Rattletrap's contraptions don't quite work correctly, so detonating them proves useful as an offensive maneuver.
A DPS skill to all enemies nearby. A very good skill to cast while there is an enemy that cogged (see skill 2).

Here you see Magnus is running away from the damage

2. Power Cogs
Forms a barrier of energized cogs around Clockwerk, trapping any units that are near. Enemies outside the trap that touch a cog are knocked back, losing health and mana. Once a cog has delivered a shock, it will power down. Cogs can be destroyed by enemies in 3 attacks, but Clockwerk can destroy them with just one.
MANA COST: 50/60/70/80COOLDOWN: 15
DURATION: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8MANA/HEALTH DRAIN: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200
One of Clockwerk's inventions of which he is most proud is the power cog - though it is sometimes despised by his allies.
This skill is a main skill to lock down your target.

Here Cog is used to interrupt laning phase and drain enemy's mana, this is the main reason why Cog should be taken on an early game.

Here you see Cog is used for a teamfight. You see here that every LGD
heroes can't stop you from harassing Bane.

Cog can be used for escaping too!

3. Rocket Flare
Rocket Flare
Fires a global range flare that explodes over a given area, damaging enemies and providing vision for 10 seconds.
MANA COST: 50/50/50/50COOLDOWN: 20/18/16/14
DAMAGE: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200RADIUS: 575 / 575 / 575 / 575
What started as a festive display has become a useful scouting and bombardment tool.
A global skill do damaging enemy wherever he is. Can also useful for farming creeps. Can also useful for damaging enemy's pushing creeps. You can max this skill early for harassing enemy in your lane.

4. Hookshot
Fires a grappling device rapidly at the target location. If the hook hits a non-neutral unit, Clockwerk launches himself into the target, stunning and dealing damage. Any enemies Clockwerk collides with along the way are subject to damage and stunned. Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
MANA COST: 150/150/150COOLDOWN: 70/55/40
STUN DURATION: 1 / 1.5 / 2RANGE: 2000 / 2500 / 3000
DAMAGE: 100 / 200 / 300SCEPTER COOLDOWN: 12 / 12 / 12
A somewhat unwieldy device, the Hookshot sends the otherwise clunky Clockwerk armor flying through the air.
Hookshot is a high skill - required ability that needs practice to can achieve 100% accuracy. This is your team's initiating skill. Remember to place a cog after you successfully hook a target.

First step of a successful hook is to aim your target carefully

And then just click the hook button and smash your target

Your target should be stunned from your hook so you can kill him

Dota 2 - Clockwerk Build Guide
Level 1: Battery Assault
Level 2: Rocket Flare
Level 3: Battery Assault
Level 4: Power Cogs
Level 5: Battery Assault
Level 6: Hookshot
Level 7: Battery Assault
Level 8: Rocket Flare
Level 9 : Rocket Flare
Level 10: Rocket Flare
Level 11: Hookshot
Level 12: Power Cogs
Level 13: Power Cogs
Level 14: Power Cogs
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Hookshot
Level 17-25: Stats

Why maxed Battery Assault first?  Cast this skill on a lonely target inside your cage, and let the fireworks burn your enemy.

Why maxed Rocket Flare before Power Cogs? You need the Rocket flare to do your job on early-mid game (harassing, farming, killing), you can use this to explore the map too.

Early Game
Clock is a ganker, he needs a target. But before you start ganking, you need some farm to be ready to roam. Farm carefully and try not to get killed on the laning phase. last hit carefully and harass enemy once in a while. Be careful from unexpected gank from behind! Use the cog immediately to escape.
And If your opponent is accidentally in a bad position, you can use cog to trap him, and Battery Assault immediately to kill him.

Mid Game
On here, mid game, I assume that you already acquired your ultimate: Hookshot. With this skill, you will start ganking and killing. Maybe you can buy smoke of deceit to hide yourself from enemy's sight. Hook is a straight line, and if enemy move by a amall step away, it will barely missed. Count 1 2 3 and land a perfect hook. Remember to use the Power Cog after you successfully landed your hook. And after that kill your target using the Battery Assault. Cog last long so your enemy cannot move away anad constantly can be harassed by you. Your friend can also helps by clicking the target while he is trapped on the cog.
Dota 2 - Clockwerk Build Guide
Late Game
Late game Clockwerk is one of the most fierceful ganker on the game. You land a hook, trap a target, kill him and hook another target, and kill him too.

1. Quelling Blade
Cost: 225

Quelling Blade, Dota 2 - Kunkka Build Guide
Active: Destroy Tree - Destroy a target tree.
Passive: Quell - Gives bonus attack damage against non-hero units, depending on the type of hero you are.   MELEE BONUS: 32%     RANGED BONUS: 12%      Cooldown: 5
Why Quelling Blade? Makes you easier to lasthit every creeps.

2. Power Threads
Total cost: 1400
Recipe: Gloves of Haste, Boots of Speed, Belt og Giant Strength/ Robe of Magi/ Band of Elvenskin
 Power Threads, Dota 2 - Kunkka Build Guide
Active: Switch Attribute - Changes selected attribute between Strength, Agility and Intelligence.
Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack. + 55 Movement Speed
+ 8 Selected Attribute   + 30 Attack Speed
Why Power Threads? It will gives you attack speed, thats what you need, attack speed and damages. Power threads is laso a flexible shoes, you can change it to STR, AGI, or INT for what you need.

3. Blade Mail
Total cost: 2200
Recipe: Broadsword + Chainmail + Robe of Magi
Blade Mail, Dota 2 - Sandking Spirit Build Guide
Active: Damage Return - Returns any damage you take to the unit that dealt the damage. Lasts 4.5 seconds.
 + 22 Damage   + 5 Armor   + 10 Intelligence
Manacost: 25   Cooldown; 22
Why Blade Mail? Activate it while facing 1 on 1 and inside your cog, so your enemy cannot attack you.

4. Aghanim Scepter,
Aghanim, Sandking, dota 2
Passive: Ultimate Upgrade - Upgrades the ultimates of certain heroes.
+ 10 All Attributes   + 200 Health   + 150 Mana
Why Aghanim's Scepter? Decrease the cooldown on your ultimate. Makes you become a decent initiator for your enemy team.

1. Nature's Prophet
After you successfully hook a target, he can mone in and help you out with his right click and also his ultimate.

2. Wisp
The same as nature's Prophet, he can also come in right after you landed a successful hook.

Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

Dota 2 - Slardar Build Guide

Slardar is a Slithereen, one of the Deep Ones, guardian of the great wealth of sunken cities and the ancient riches buried there. In the lightless gulf of the great ocean abysses, the Slithereen Guard carries his lure-light with him through the secret treasure rooms. Subaqueous thieves (sent into the deeps by covetous dryland sorcerers) are drawn in by its friendly glow, never to return. He is utterly loyal, and his taciturn nature hides deep knowledge of the most secret places of the sea. He rises to the shallows in spite of the pain caused him by brightness, to commit reconnaissance, to make sure no one is conspiring against the depths, and sometimes in relentless pursuit of the rare few who manage to steal off with an item from the Sunken Treasury. Because he has spent his whole life at great pressure, under tremendous weight of the sea, Slardar the Slithereen Guard is a creature of great power.

Slardar is a melee tanker, manly initiator hero. He has the amplify damage for the enemy that makes his target loss a big amount of armor and become as squishy as a paper. As an initiator, you need to be brave on playing this hero. No need to afraid of the crowds and jump straight to it to stun them all.
Good initiatorSmall  stun area
An imba armor reductor
Dota 2 -  Slardar Build Guide
Melee - Carry - Durable - Disabler - Initiator

HIT POINTS5491,2942,206SIGHT RANGE1800 / 800

1. Sprint
Slardar moves significantly faster, but takes bonus damage.
MANA COST: 50/50/50/50COOLDOWN: 40
BONUS SPEED: 20% / 27% / 33% / 40%DURATION: 20 / 20 / 20 / 20
As Slardar has made the transition from the Deeps, it has been necessary to use his powerful tail for sprinting instead of swimming.
This is your chasing / escaping skill. Sprint like Usain Bolt!

Slardar run with maximum speed so he can easily catch his opponent

2. Slithereen Crush
Slithereen Crush
Slams the ground, stunning and damaging nearby enemy land units. After the stun, the affected units are slowed.
MANA COST: 80/95/105/115COOLDOWN: 8
DAMAGE: 50 / 100 / 150 / 200RADIUS: 350
STUN DURATION: 1 / 1.5 / 2 / 2.5
A swift crush of might and water breaks even the toughest of defenses.
Crushing your enemy using a massive stunning ability. You need a blink dagger to land this skill properly. Bly placing yourself inside the crowds, you will land a perfect stun to initiate a teamfight.

A perfect skill for an initiator. Look at Dragon Knight that caught off position.

Grants a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and stun an enemy. The duration is doubled against creeps.
CHANCE: 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%BONUS DAMAGE: 40 / 50 / 60 / 70
Thieves of the wealth of the Deep Ones meet the brutality of the Slithereen Guard in melee combat.
Get a stunning ability to your weapon. Makes you have a chance to stun your enemies in each attacks. This skill makes you become a decent late game carry for your team.

4. Amplify Damage
Amplify Damage
Reduces enemy armor to amplify physical damage and provides True Sight of the targeted unit, revealing invisibility.
ARMOR REDUCTION: 8 / 14 / 20DURATION: 25 / 25 / 25
Slardar's lure-light reveals even the most hidden of opponents, as well as their vulnerabilities.
This is your main skill in the game. low manacost, low cooldown, and a high armor reduction for your target.
Also gives vision to the target, which means it will always reveal riki, bounty hunter, clinks, or weaver. Can also useful for tracking a hero and keep an eye on him.

This is a good skill to reveal any invisible hero. And the most important is that the amplify damage can make enemy become squishy.

Level 1: Slithereen Crush
Level 2: Sprint
Level 3: Slithereen Crush
Level 4: Bash
Level 5: Slithereen Crush
Level 6: Amplify Damage
Level 7: Slithereen Crush
Level 8: Sprint
Level 9 : Sprint
Level 10: Sprint
Level 11: Amplify Damage
Level 12: Bash
Level 13: Bash
Level 14: Bash
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Amplify Damage
Level 17-25: Stats

Why take Slithereen Crush  for level 1? Maybe you will need this to find a firstblood! Together with your friends, you need to lock down the enemy with this skill.

Why maxed Slithereen Crush first?  This is your main nuke, you will need this for ganking, farming, and killing on early-mid game.

Why maxed Sprint before Bash? Chasing is the main thing to consider in the mid game. With a proper chasing skill, you will catch every hero and not let them escape from your team.

Early Game
Slardar, a melee carry hero that needs to be tanky and also brave to initiate a teamfight and start a clash. You are the army of the sea, make the sea proud of your strength, stay focus and hunts every hero on the game. On the laning phase you need to get last hits and deny as many as you can. By collecting lots of golds,you can buy the core items you need to be owning on the mid-late game.

Mid Game
After you get your first core item, which is a Blink Dagger, you can start ganking. Don't afraid of any hero that tries to kill you, be brave - stun him, knock him down!. Amplify damage takes a big part here, remember that on early game, your ultimate will makes the armor of your target become so low which means a lot amplify damage for him. And just by that, your team can team easier to wipe out your enemy.
Dota 2 -  Slardar Build Guide
Late Game
On the late game, you should already have Bkb equipped on your arm. Magic immunity is the most needed stuff in big clash on the hard late game teamfight. Stay calm and focusing on the squishy hero first, also remember to cast the amplify damage on each of your target.  The armor reductuin will multiple your damage by a lot here and it will makes will makes your team's job easier.

1. Power Threads
Total cost: 1400
Recipe: Gloves of Haste, Boots of Speed, Belt og Giant Strength/ Robe of Magi/ Band of Elvenskin
 Power Threads, Dota 2 - Kunkka Build Guide
Active: Switch Attribute - Changes selected attribute between Strength, Agility and Intelligence.
Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack. + 55 Movement Speed
+ 8 Selected Attribute   + 30 Attack Speed
Why Power Threads? It will gives you the survivability you need with it's STR boost. And also with the additional attack speed, you can trigger more stun of your 3rd skill Bash. Power threads is also a flexible shoes, you can change it to STR, AGI, or INT for what you need. STR for survivability, AGI for more attack speed, and INT for more mana.

2. Dagger
Cost: 2150
blink dagger, Sandking, dota 2
Active: Blink - Teleport to a target point up to 1200 units away. If damage is taken from an enemy hero, Blink Dagger cannot be used for 3 seconds.
Manacost: 75   Cooldown: 14
Blink Dagger is a perfect item for you for initiating purpose. This item will make you can jump straint in front of your target so you can stun them immediately to make a way for your team to knock your enemy down. In a teamfight, who initiate first is usually become the winnner of the fight.

3. Black King Bar
Total cost:: 3900
Recipe: Ogre Axe, Mithril Hammer, Recipe
Black King Bar, Dota 2 - Sandking Build Guide
 Active: Avatar - Grants magic immunity. Duration and cooldown decrease with each use. Some Ultimate abilities are able to disable through Black King Bar. + 10 Strength
+ 24 Damage     DURATION: 10/9/8/7/6/5     Cooldown: 80
Why Black King Bar?  It  gives you survivability in a teamfight because you will get magic immunity during teamfight. By magic immunity, you can keep fighting and cannot be interrupted (except from Beastmaster's Roar or Batrider's Lasso)

4. Desolator
Total cost:: 4100
Recipe: 2x Mithril Hammer, Recipe
Passive: Corruption - Your attacks reduce target's armor for 15 seconds.
Desolator is a Unique Attack Modifier, and does not stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers.
+ 60 Damage     ARMOR REDUCTION: 7 
Why Desolator?  Amplify more damage, why not?

1. Carries
(Example: Magine, Void, Luna)
Anti Mage, Dota 2 - Sandking Build GuideFaceless Void, Dota 2 - Sandking Build GuideLuna, Dota 2 - Sandking Build Guide
Carries should come after you initiate a teamfight, and they should the right click and use all their skills to the enemies.

2. AoE Combo
(Example: DarkSeer, Magnus, Disruptor)
You have Silthereen Crush, this skill can be combined with their AoE skill to make massive impact to the enemy team.

Dota 2 - Axe Build Guide

As a grunt in the Army of Red Mist, Mogul Khan set his sights on the rank of Red Mist General. In battle after battle he proved his worth through gory deed. His rise through the ranks was helped by the fact that he never hesitated to decapitate a superior. Through the seven year Campaign of the Thousand Tarns, he distinguished himself in glorious carnage, his star of fame shining ever brighter, while the number of comrades in arms steadily dwindled. On the night of ultimate victory, Axe declared himself the new Red Mist General, and took on the ultimate title of 'Axe.' But his troops now numbered zero. Of course, many had died in battle, but a significant number had also fallen to Axe's blade. Needless to say, most soldiers now shun his leadership. But this matters not a whit to Axe, who knows that a one-man army is by far the best.

Axe is a strong melee hero that needs to fight near enemy's crowds. In the crowds, he become a monster, no   one can stop him because he will deal tons of damage from the Counter Helix. He is also a powerful nuker, he have Battle Hunger that deal massive damage per second and is very deadly in the early game, and he also have the powerful nuke to instant-kill the enemy that is on a low HP.
A nice melee counterNeed to be near the enemy to reach his maximum potential
A good initiatorHis Battle Hunger can be cancelled by last hitting a creep
A good nukerCulling Blade needs the enemy to be on a low HP to deal maximum impact
A good creep blocker
Dota 2 -  Axe Build Guide
Melee - Durable - Initiator - Disabler - Jungler

HIT POINTS6251,2902,145SIGHT RANGE1800 / 800

1. Berserker's Call
Axe taunts nearby enemy units, forcing them to attack him, while he gains bonus armor during the duration.
MANA COST: 80/90/100/110COOLDOWN: 10
DURATION: 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3
Mogul Khan's warcry taunts opponents into engaging in an unconquerable battle with the Axe.
Axe makes all nearby enemy attacks him while he gets extra armor. This increase the chance to do Counter Helix so you can cut all nearby opponents. This will also automatically helps your team to attack the enemy that attacks you.

2. Battle Hunger
Enrages an enemy unit, causing it to be slowed and take damage over time until it kills another unit or the duration ends. Axe gains movement speed for each unit affected with Battle Hunger.
MANA COST: 75/85/95/105COOLDOWN: 20/15/10/5
DAMAGE: MAGICALDAMAGE: 15 / 21 / 27 / 33
DURATION: 10 / 13 / 16 / 19MOVEMENT SLOW: 8%
Ordinary heroes cannot withstand Mogul Khan's rage for battle, such that it injures them until it is satisfied.
This is your main nuking skill. With this skill, your target will be in trouble if he cannot find a creep to get a last hit and cancel this skill. The damage is so great and will come in handy anytime you need it. Be smart and use it if you think your enemy can't find a creep in the next 19 seconds. So good, usually gives the Axe many kills on the early-mid game.

3. Counter Helix
When attacked, Axe performs a helix counter attack, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
COOLDOWN: 0.65/0.60/0.55/0.50ABILITY: PASSIVE
DAMAGE: PHYSICALDAMAGE: 100 / 135 / 170 / 205
Axe is the only reinforcement this army needs.
A good skill to make you become a brutal hero. Position yourself in the crowds and start spinning and killing. Very good to block the enemy creeps, and also very good to initiate a teamfight.

4. Culling Blade
Axe spots weakness and strikes, dealing moderate damage but instantly killing an enemy unit with low health. When an enemy unit is killed in this way, Axe and nearby allied units gain bonus movement speed. Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
MANA COST: 120/160/200COOLDOWN: 75/65/55
DAMAGE: 150 / 250 / 300SPEED BONUS: 25%
Mogul Khan is the embodiment of battle and fury, launching into a gruesome fatality against those who dare engage the Axe in combat.
This skill is your finishing skill. In a certain HP treshold, you will get an instant kill over an enemy. So if you see a low HP-ed enemy walking around, just click this skill on him. And if you cannot met the minimum HP treshold it will still deal some amount of damage.
After you successfully kill a hero, all nearby allies will receive a boost in the movement speed.


Level 1: Counter Helix
Level 2: Berserker's Call
Level 3: Battle Hunger
Level 4: Battle Hunger
Level 5: Battle Hunger
Level 6: Culling Blade
Level 7: Battle Hunger
Level 8: Counter Helix
Level 9 : Berserker's Call
Level 10: Counter Helix
Level 11: Culling Blade
Level 12: Berserker's Call
Level 13: Counter Helix
Level 14: Berserker's Call
Level 15: Stats
Level 16:Culling Blade
Level 17-25: Stats

Why take Counter Helix for level 1? You can use this to block the enemy creeps.

Why maxed Battle Hunger first?  This is your main nuke, you will need this for ganking, farming, and killing on early-mid game.

Early Game
Axe is a 100% manly hero. Since the beginning, you can block enemy creeps and get some easy Exp. If you want do this, make sure that your friend back you up. And keep harass your enemy using your 2nd skill battle Hunger, it will always drain their HP. Always be brave on every situation. Keep forward and keep smashing opponenents with your axe.

Mid Game
Start roaming around is the best option here. You can find enemies in other lanes and kill them all. First thing to do is casting the Battle Hunger on your target. Then come to him and after you reach him, use the Berserker's Call to him and start spinning around. Keep chasing and cast Battle Hunger again if he don't die yet. And if your enemy Hp is below 30% you can use your ultimate to finish him.

Axe is an initiator. You must come first in every teamfight. Don't hesitate and keep smashing enemies as hard as you can. And then after you successfully initiate a teamfight, just wait your friends to come up and finish the enemy.
Dota 2 -  Axe Build Guide
Late Game
Your late game part is still the same. That is to lead your partner in a teamfight. Come first on the teamfight, and bound all enemies together so all your friends can easily attack them. Use Blink Dagger for better initiation. And also you can also use Blade Mail to strengthen your immune system.

Late game is the time for a big teamfight. Use all your skill and kill all the opponents.

1. Arcane Boots
Total cost: 1450
Recipe: Boots of Speed + Energy Booster
arcane boots, Sandking, dota 2
Active: Replenish Mana - Restores mana in an area around the hero.
Flat movement speed bonuses from multiple pairs of boots do not stack.
+ 60 Movement Speed   + 250 Mana
Mana Needed: 25    Cooldown: 55
Why Arcane Boots? With Arcana Boots, you can fill your mana for your skills. And also you can helps team to fulfill their mana.

2. Dagger
Cost: 2150
blink dagger, Sandking, dota 2
Active: Blink - Teleport to a target point up to 1200 units away. If damage is taken from an enemy hero, Blink Dagger cannot be used for 3 seconds.
Manacost: 75   Cooldown: 14
Blink Dagger is a perfect item for Axe for initiating purpose.

3. Aghanim Scepter,
Aghanim, Sandking, dota 2
Passive: Ultimate Upgrade - Upgrades the ultimates of certain heroes.
+ 10 All Attributes   + 200 Health   + 150 Mana
Why Aghanim's Scepter? Decrease the cooldown on your ultimate. Makes you become a decent harasser for your enemy team.

4. Blade Mail
Total cost: 2200
Recipe: Broadsword + Chainmail + Robe of Magi
Blade Mail, Dota 2 - Sandking Spirit Build Guide
Active: Damage Return - Returns any damage you take to the unit that dealt the damage. Lasts 4.5 seconds.
 + 22 Damage   + 5 Armor   + 10 Intelligence
Manacost: 25   Cooldown; 22
Why Blade Mail? After you initiate a teamfight, your opponent is likely to target you because they will hate you. So you can reflect their damege using this item.

5. Black King Bar
Total cost:: 3900
Recipe: Ogre Axe, Mithril Hammer, Recipe
Black King Bar, Dota 2 - Sandking Build Guide
 Active: Avatar - Grants magic immunity. Duration and cooldown decrease with each use. Some Ultimate abilities are able to disable through Black King Bar. + 10 Strength
+ 24 Damage     DURATION: 10/9/8/7/6/5     Cooldown: 80
Why Black King Bar?  It  gives you survivability in a teamfight because you will get magic immunity during teamfight.

6. Shiva's Guard  
Total cost: 4700
Recipe: Plate Mail + Mystic Staff + Recipe                                                  
Shiva's Guard, Sandking, dota 2
Active: Arctic Blast - Emits a freezing wave that does 200 damage to enemies and slows their movement by -40% for 4.0 seconds.
Passive: Freezing Aura - Reduces attack speed on enemies.
Multiple instances of Freezing Aura do not stack.
+ 30 Intelligence   + 15 Armor    AURA SLOW: 25%
Manacost: 100   Cooldown:   30
Why Shiva's? Shiva's Guard, Very good in teamfights, gives:Active: Arctic Blast - Emits a freezing wave that does 200 damage to enemies and slows their movement by -40% for 4.0 seconds.
Passive: Freezing Aura - Reduces attack speed on enemies. Very reliable for an initiator like Sandking.

7. Heart of Tarrasque
Total cost: 5500
Recipe: Reaver + Vitality Booster
Heart of Tarrasque, Dota 2 -  Spectre Build Guide
Passive: Health Regeneration - Restores a percentage of max health per second.
This ability is disabled if damage is taken from an enemy Hero or Roshan within the last 4 seconds if your hero is melee or 6 seconds if your hero is ranged.
+ 40 Strength   + 300 Health     HEALTH RESTORED: 2%    Cooldown: 6
Why Heart of Tarrasque? Makes you tanky. So good item for Axe.

1. Carries
(Example: Magine, Void, Luna)
Anti Mage, Dota 2 - Sandking Build GuideFaceless Void, Dota 2 - Sandking Build GuideLuna, Dota 2 - Sandking Build Guide
Carries should come after you initiate a teamfight, and they should the right click and use all their skills to the enemies.

2. AoE Combo
(Example: DarkSeer, Magnus, Disruptor)
 You have Berserker's Call + Counter Helix, and combo-ed with their AoE skill, and your team will get a big combo-wombo in your teamfights.