Selasa, 29 Juli 2014

Dota 2 - Terrorblade Build Guide

Terrorblade is the demon marauder--an outlaw hellion whom even other demons fear. A cosmic iconoclast, he stole from the Demon Lords, ignored the codified rites that should have bound his behavior, and broke every law of the seven Infernal Regions. For his crimes, he was taught this lesson: even Hell has a hell. A short, brutal trial ensued, with many dead on all sides, and he was finally incarcerated in Foulfell, a hidden dimension where demonkind imprison their own.

But Foulfell is no normal prison. In this dark mirror of reality, demons are sentenced to gaze eternally into the twisted reflection of their own souls. But instead of suffering, Terrorblade made himself master of his own reflected worst self--a raging, thieving demon of unimaginable power. With his inner beast under sway, he destroyed the fractal prison walls and burst free to turn his terror loose upon all creation.

Terrorblade main power lies in the Metamorphosis ability which gives him so much damage. While he is in demon form, he gain so much damage to be able to destroy everything. He also  make lots of illusions that deal damages and also makes enemy confused. His ultimate is a skill that instantly swap HP with his target, makes him unkillable. His other ability is a slower that makes his target can't escape from him.
One of the best tower destroyer Low HP on early game
Lots of illusionsHis metaporphosis have a lot cooldown
Can swap Hp instantlySunder can be blocked by a linken sphere
A decent slower for a single targetBeware of some burst damage like Epicenter, dagon, etc.


HIT POINTS4359401,681SIGHT RANGE1800 / 800
MANA2475661,053ATTACK RANGE128
DAMAGE48-5493-99145-151MISSILE SPEED900

1. Reflection
Terrorblade brings forth an invulnerable dark illusion of the targeted enemy Hero. The enemy Hero is slowed and attacked by the illusion for a short duration.
MANA COST: 50COOLDOWN: 22/18/14/10
DURATION: 5ILLUSION DAMAGE: 40% / 50% / 60% / 70%
In the fractal prison of Foulfell, Terrorblade learned the truth of this old tale: you are your own worst enemy. Now it is a lesson he teaches others.
This skill is a single target slower skill to set up a kill for you. When the enemy is slowed by this skill, you can coneniently attack him. Also you can use this to escape from enemy.

2. Conjure Image
Creates an illusion of Terrorblade that deals damage.
DURATION: 32ILLUSION DAMAGE: 30% / 40% / 50% / 60%
There's only one thing more dangerous than facing Terrorblade. Facing MORE Terrrorblades!
Creates a clone of yourself. When you are on metamorphosis mode, the clone is also in a metamorph model and has the big attack damage. You can create 1 illusion per 16 seconds so you can creates a total of 2 illusions. Use the clones to helps you destroy towers and also makes you wins some teamfights.

3. Metamorphosis
Terrorblade transforms into a powerful demon with a ranged attack.
ATTACK RANGE: 550BONUS DAMAGE: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80
Temper, temper. The rage rises up and takes control. Meet Terrorblade's own worst self.
This is your most powerful ability. When you click this ability, you instantly become a ranged demon that has ultra big damage. You can easily destroy towers in this form. Don't forget to make some illusions  right after you become the demon.

4. Sunder
Severs the soul from both Terrorblade and a target Hero, then exchanges them, carrying a percentage of each units' life force. The target Hero is also dealt a ministun. Some hit points must remain.
MANA COST: 200/100/0COOLDOWN: 120/80/40
MINIMUM HP SWAP: 25% / 20% / 15%
You didn't need that life, did you? The demon marauder steals that which you hold most dear.
Swap Hp between you and a target hero. You can swap either enemy or friend. Use this when your HP is low and make your HP become full again. A very nice survivability skill that guarantee a longer life in a teamfight.


Level 1: Metamorphosis
Level 2: Reflection
Level 3: Conjure Image
Level 4: Metamorphosis
Level 5: Metamorphosis
Level 6: Sunder
Level 7: Metamorphosis
Level 8: Conjure Image
Level 9 : Conjure Image
Level 10: Conjure Image
Level 11: Sunder
Level 12: Reflection
Level 13: Reflection
Level 14: Reflection
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Sunder
Level 17-25: Stats

This build is focusing on maxing your Metamorphosis first for maximum damage. You can then max Conjure Image and Relfection after it.

Early Game
As a carry, of course, you have to farm diligently in the early game. But unlike some other carry that usually are weak in the early game, you can be very strong because you have nice abilities. You can easily zoning enemy with these skills so enemy can't come close. When you are on a demon form, your enemy instantly afraid and runs away so you can farm conveniently. Either with your other 2 skills, when you use that, your enemy usually runs from you.

Mid Game
On mid game, you should focus on destroying towers. You can use metamorphosis and then conjure image to create some illusion and easily destroy towers.
Destroy towers means your team gets lots of golds and also get them map control. Since you successfully destroy some towers, you will gets tons of golds advantage so you better surround your opponent's jungle and siege them.

Late Game
As a carry, on the late game stage you should already acquire some good items and should be able to carry your team into victory. You have high damage, and also multiple illusions, so technically you will be able to deal tons of damage in every teamfight. Prepare for a big teamfight. Get ready to always metaporph and multiply yourself.
In a teamfight, always focus fire on enemy supports since it will be easier to kill them.

1. Starting Items
Quelling Blade: for easier last hitting
Stout Shield: to block some damage and makes you tankier on earliest stage of the game.
Tango: to refill your health

2. Mid Game Items

Power Thread: Gives additional attack speed and some Hp for your carrying duty. (can switch into int for additional mana and agi for additional attack speed)
Magic Wand: Can saves your life in a dangerous situation.
Ring of Aquila:: Gives some nice mana regen and additional stats
Drum: Gives some attack speed, and also movement speed. as well as gives some additional stats.

 3. Late Game Core items

Manta Style: Gives additional illusion to help you push and also great in teamfight.t
Skadi: Gives a powerful slower that makes enemy can't get away so you can kill them.
Butterfly: Gives additional attack speed, damage and evasion. Perfect item for agility carry in the late game
Satanic: Gives a nice survivability in a late game teamfight.

4. Situational
a. Radiance
If you have an enough space and time to farm, this iteam is a great choice for terrorblade. It gives an aoe of 40 dps for your illusions. With that you can push even faster and gets lots of farmability. 

b. SnY
Gives movement speed and also a slowing aattack. Very good for a carry. Will helps you in moving faster and slowing your enemy's movement speed. This item is an alternative for manta Style since the yasha is the same component.

Enemy to be aware of
1. Earthshaker
He counters you because he have Echo Slam. So he can destroy all of your illusions at once. So be careful of him.

2. Morphling
He have replicate to copy your illusion. And also he usually buys linken so you can't always use your Sunder on him.

Minggu, 06 April 2014

Dota 2 - Ember Spirit Build Guide

Lost within the Wailing Mountains, the Fortress of Flares lay abandoned, its training halls empty, its courtyard covered in leaves and dust. Upon a dais in its sealed temple rests a topaz cauldron filled with ancient ash, remnants of a pyre for the warrior-poet Xin. For three generations, Xin taught his acolytes the Bonds of the Guardian Flame, a series of mantras to train the mind and body for the harsh realities beyond the fortress walls. However, in teaching a warrior's way he earned a warrior's rivals, and in his autumn Xin was bested and slain. His followers spread to the wind. Yet as years turned to centuries and followers to descendants, his teachings endured by subtle whisper and deed. Touched by the teacher's lasting legacy, the Burning Celestial, inquisitive aspect of fire, cast himself to the Fortress of Flares and reignited the pyre ash. From these glowing embers emerged an image of Xin, wreathed in flame, his thoughtful countenance prepared to train and to teach, and to spread the fires of knowledge to all who seek guidance.

Ember Spirit is a hero who is not only lethal in the early game. He also has got a big potential to be a main carry for his team.
In early game, he had a dps skill and a lock down for 2 target that is so painful, especially for squishy hero like crystal maiden and so on. While in the late game he has sleight of fist that can provide thousands of damages to the enemies. Surely he needs adequate farm  in the early and mid game so that he could be dangerous in the late game.
Have strong nukes for early gameSquishy
Have a deadly late game spell with a right itemLow base attack speed
Have a shield that also useful for magic damageNeeds lots of mana
Have a high mobility
Melee - Carry - Nuker

HIT POINTS5111,0431,803SIGHT RANGE1800 / 800

1. Searing Chains
Ember Spirit unleashes fiery bolas that wrap around nearby enemies, anchoring them in place and dealing damage each second.
MANA COST: 110COOLDOWN: 14/12/10/8
DURATION: 2 / 2 / 3 / 3RADIUS: 400
DAMAGE PER SECOND: 40 / 60 / 80 / 100UNIT COUNT: 2
You should spam this ability together with Sleight of Fist. Use Sleight of Fist first then quickly use this so while you Sleight of Fist, the enemy is bound and harassed.

2. Sleight of Fist
Ember Spirit dashes around with blazing speed, attacking all enemies in the targeted area of effect, then returning to his start location. Deals bonus damage to heroes, and less damage to creeps.
MANA COST: 50COOLDOWN: 30/22/14/6
RADIUS: 250 / 350 / 450 / 550BONUS HERO DAMAGE: 30 / 60 / 90 / 120
A nice harassing skill for early game and a perfect DPS skill for the late game. This is becoming your main carrying ability for late game. (When equipped with BattleFuries it will much more gives damage because of the cleaves)

3. Flame Guard
Ember Spirit surrounds himself with a ring of fire that consumes incoming magic damage, leaving him unharmed. Flame Guard deals damage per second in an area around Ember Spirit while Flame Guard is active. If the shield is broken, the damage is also lost.
MANA COST: 80/90/100/110COOLDOWN: 35
DURATION: 8 / 12 / 16 / 20RADIUS: 400
MAGIC ABSORB: 50 / 200 / 350 / 500DAMAGE PER SECOND: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60
A perfect DPS skill and also a shield that blocks magic damage.

4. Fire Remnant
Ember Spirit generates Fire Remnant charges every 35 seconds, with a max of 3 charges. Releasing a charge sends a Fire Remnant that runs to the target location at 2.5x Ember Spirit's speed. Using Activate Fire Remnant, Ember Spirit can dash out to his Remnants, exploding them for area of effect damage. The targeted Remnant will be arrived at last.
CHARGE RESTORE TIME: 35DAMAGE: 100 / 150 / 200
Before engaging, prepare a remnant on the safe place, so you can jump to it for safety. Also prepare a remnant and then teleport back to fountain to regenerate health and mana, and then come back to remnant.

Activate Fire Remnant

Select the Fire Remnant to arrive at.

Level 1: Searing Chains
Level 2: Flame Guard
Level 3: Flame Guard
Level 4: Sleight of Fist
Level 5: Flame Guard
Level 6: Fire Remnant
Level 7: Flame Guard
Level 8: Searing Chains
Level 9 : Searing Chains
Level 10: Searing Chains
Level 11: Fire Remnant
Level 12: Sleight of Fist
Level 13: Sleight of Fist
Level 14: Sleight of Fist
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Fire Remnant
Level 17-25: Stats

Why take Searing Chains  for level 1? For insurance so that we can lock down the enemy when they chase you.

Why maxed Flame Guard first?  This is your main nuke, you will need this for ganking, farming, and killing on early-mid game. And also don't forget about the shield that will protects you from enemy's burst damage.

Why maxed Searing Chains before Sleight of Fist? The rule of DotA: Nukes for early game, physical damage for late game. Searing Chains is a nuke that will  deal more damage on early-mid game. And Sleight of Fist is for physical attacks that will be the main source of damages for late game.

Early Game
Your main role here is farming. We recommend using a safe lane to farm. Farm rate will be maximized if you are protected by the kind of supports just like Shadow Shaman or Maiden. They will protect you from enemy harassment. Besides your team could also be more aggressive and look for first blood. If so, you can help with your Searing Chains + Flame Guard. Make sure to get enough farm in the early game, so mid game will be easier for your team.

Mid Game
In the midgame, your FlameGuard + Searing Chains should already reached maximum damage. Because of that, so you can occasionally helps the team to ganks. And that will makes you even richer than before. Start a gank with your Searing Chains and then deal damage using your FlameGuard. If you are being ganked, escape using your Remnant. Coordinate a gank with your partner so you will make sure to get at least 1 kill. Smoke of deceit your team before the ganks.

And do not forget, as a carry, your main focus is the farm, do not use 100% of time to gank. When there is an empty lane use that opportunity to farm as much gold.  You can use the jungle for more leverage. For the purposes of the security in the farm, then prepare one remnant in a safe place so that you can farm a little away from your base, and when it seems some enemies who want to kill you, you can quickly move to your remnant that you've prepared in the harbor earlier .

Late Game
In the late game, you has the potential to carrying your team. The Sleight of Fist is your main skill here. Here you should already have all your core items ,at least you 've got Battlefury and also coupled with the high damage items like Daedlus and also Desolator so you can combine it with the Sleight of fist to make tons of damage in an area.

At this time , if it happens teamfight then you should participate . Because if if not , then your team is certainly to lose . That's where the importance of the role of carry in the late game . To be the main damage dealer.

You can farm if :
1 . There are hiding your team near your farm. That way if it comes the enemy that ganks you then your friends will be ready to ambush them.
2 . You can also farm by first preparing the remnant at the base to go back immediately if needed. Do this while your team waiting enemy to go high ground.

Your team could also initiating by smoke of deceit , and 5 people should participate in it  ,then with a little luck you will find an opponent who is alone and kill him with ease.

And for the formation in teamfight, you should hide and after enemys are all come and drops their ultimate, you can come out and finish them.

1. Starting Items
Quelling Blade: for easier last hitting
Stout Shield: to block some damage and makes you tankier on earliest stage of the game.
Tango: to refill your health

2. Mid Game Items
Bottle: To make you always have adequate mana and health in a teamfight.
Phase Boots: Gives damage and also increase move speed by a lot.
Magic Wand: Can saves your life in a dangerous situation.
Drum: Gives survivability, mana, attack speed, and also movement speed.

 3. Late Game / Core / Damage items
Battlefury: Gives cleave so if there is some enemy in an area, your sleight of fist makes you can cleave to all of them. BattleFury is stack so you can get 2-3 Fury that gives you so many cleave damage.
Desolator: With your Sleight of Fist, you can reduce all of enemys armor in an area while damaging them.
Daedlus: the damage from critical is very high, so it will makes your Sleight of Fist become deadly.

Jumat, 21 Februari 2014

Dota 2 - Earth Spirit Build Guide

Deep amid the Upland crags and cliffs there runs a seam of sacred jade long foresworn by highland minders. From this rare material, the likeness of the great general Kaolin was carved and buried at the head of a stone funerary army ten thousand strong--a force of soldiers and holy men, jesters and acrobats, carved by crafstmen and entombed for millennia in the dark embrace of the Earth.

What the craftsmen had not known was that within the strange seam of jade flowed the spirit of the Earth itself--an elemental force at one with the planet. When the force within the carved jade found itself cut off from the life's blood of the world, it gathered its strength over the course of a thousand years and dug itself free and into the light. Now the great Kaolin Earth Spirit strides the Upland roads, fighting for the spirit of the Earth; and in times of need calls forth remnants of his buried army still locked in the loving embrace of the soil.

Earth Spirit is a hero who is very much versatile. From stunning, slowing, silencing, and also initiating though, this hero is able to cover all of it. And with the skill that has a short cooldown, add to the perfection of this hero. Correct use of the skill will determine your success in using this hero, so first learn how to do the tricks and optimize its skills and you will be IMBA.
VersatileSlow attack speed
High damage ultimateMust use all of his abilities carefully. If can't then you will be so useless.
Have a skill to roll and make him can position himself easily
Have a decent silence
Have a decent stun
A perfect initiator hero
Melee - Carry - Nuker

HIT POINTS5491,3202,251SIGHT RANGE1800 / 800
MANA2346711,243ATTACK RANGE128

1. Boulder Smash
Earth Spirit smashes the target enemy, ally, or Stone Remnant, knocking it back in the direction he is facing. The knocked back target deals damage to all units it hits. If the target was a Stone Remnant, damaged targets are also stunned, and the travel distance is improved.
MANA COST: 100COOLDOWN: 22/18/14/10
SILENCE DURATION: 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5DISTANCE(UNIT): 500 / 600 / 700 / 800
DISTANCE(STONE): 2000STUN DURATION: 0.75 / 1.25 / 1.75 / 2.25
It is with the power of a mountain that Earth Spirit strikes his enemies.
Skill is a bit difficult for those who are still unfamiliar with this hero.
With this skill you can kick:
-hero / creep
Enemies whose hit by the stone will be exposed to stun and damage.
The direction of the kick is straight, then make sure your position and the position of the target is a straight line and then you can launch a kick. With the number of times you use this hero you will surely understand by yourself. So keep practicing and become better.

2. Rolling Boulder

After a 0.6s delay, Earth Spirit becomes a boulder, rolling in the direction he is facing and damaging enemy units, stopping if he collides with an enemy hero or is stunned. If the boulder rolls over a Stone Remnant, the Stone Remnant is consumed and travel distance and speed are improved, and impacted enemies have their movement and attack speed slowed.
MANA COST: 50COOLDOWN: 16/12/8/4
SLOW: 80%
Calling upon his connection to the land, the Earth Spirit draws loose stone to him, which forms a protective ball that he can use to roll short distances.
You will roll and will stop when there is an enemy getting hit by you, then the enemy will be slowed.
Make sure you roll on the rock so that you will roll on a maximum distance, because if there is no stone, it will be a short distance. This skill is quite good for initiating, then you will be rolling into the middle area of ​​the opponent, and then start the teamfight.

3. Geomagnetic Grip
Earth Spirit pulls the target allied unit or Stone Remnant to his location. Enemies struck by the flying target will be stunned, and take damage if the flying target is a Stone Remnant.
STONE DAMAGE: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250PULL SPEED: 1000
SILENCE DURATION: 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Like calls to like. Even the minerals found in the blood and bones of living beings are not immune to the call of the Earth Spirit.
You can pull the rock / friendly hero  at you and the enemy crushed will be silenced. Skills are good enough to start a gank or a teamfight.
When the enemy is silenced, your team can easily beat him. Also useful when your friend is in trouble and you can pull him to the farthest from the enemy who pursued him.

Stone Remnant
Call a Stone Remnant at the target location. Stones Remnants have no vision and are invulnerable, and can be used with Earth Spirit's abilities. Calling a Stone Remnant consumes a charge, which recharge over time.
Put the stone. Stone is an element of every skill you have. All of them need stone.

4. Magnetize
Magnetizes units in a small nearby area, causing them to take damage over time for a short duration. Any magnetized heroes cause nearby Stone Remnants to become energized and explode, applying/refreshing the magnetize debuff on all units near the Stone Remnant. This process can repeat multiple times. Stone Remnants are destroyed in this process. If an enemy hero is affected by silence or slows as a result of Rolling Boulder or Boulder Smash, all magnetized heroes share the effects.
DAMAGE PER SECOND: 50 / 75 / 100
Deal damage to enemies around you. With the stone, dps will increase.
If multiple enemies at the same time exposed by the Magnetize, it is enough to silence one person and the friends will also be affected by the silence. Similarly as the Rolling Boulder slow, then all enemies will be exposed to slows as well.
This principle does not apply to stun.


Level 1: Boulder Smash
Level 2: Rolling Boulder
Level 3: Boulder Smash
Level 4: Geomagnetic Grip
Level 5: Boulder Smash
Level 6: Magnetize
Level 7: Boulder Smash
Level 8: Geomagnetic Grip
Level 9 : Geomagnetic Grip
Level 10: Geomagnetic Grip
Level 11: Magnetize
Level 12: Rolling Boulder
Level 13: Rolling Boulder
Level 14: Rolling Boulder
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Magnetize
Level 17-25: Stats

Why Boulder Smash taken first? 125 damage at level 1 is good to herass enemy in the lane. And if want to hunt firstblood, his stun will be needed. 

Why Boulder Smash need to be maximized first? the more damage and also the decreases of cooldown which will benefit to for stunning and damaging more in the gank and teamfight.

Why increase Geomagnetic Grip before the rolling Boulder? Silence will be needed for ganking, and the increasing silence duration would trigger ganking success.


At the beginning of the game, your role will depend on your position in the team, whether you are here as a support, or you as a solo offlane or you as a solo mid lane? 
Will now be discussed one by one on all three roles above. 

1. As a support. 
As a means of support in your lane, there will be a carry that will do the last hits, and here you are guarding him. In case your carry is attacked by the enemy, you should immediately stun them with Geomagnetic grip, or you can pull your friend for safety using Geomagnetic Grip.
If you want to act rather aggressively, then you can roll towards the enemy and then stun and silence him then take him down with your friend..

2. As a solo offlane.
As a solo offlaner, then all it takes is patience because it is very difficult for solo offlaner to  get gold and exp.Because the enemy will do to pull his creep wave and making us not get anything. It takes patience. Do not be too far away from your tower. If there is a chance and 100% safe from a gank then you can try to last-hits.
Keep playing safe until someone is coming into your lane and gank the enemy! Or maybe you can leave your lane and gank the enemy on the other lane.

3. As a solo mid.
As a solo mid, the skills for last hitting and denying will be more needed than the other roles. Keep calm! and occasionally harass the enemy. Also, on the mid lane you will need a bottle. Bottle is needed to get runes for ganking other lanes.
Once you're level 6 or above, start to move to another lane to gank the enemy. Look for the kill as much.

Mid Game
In the mid game , your ganks will determine the success of your team . You have steady abilities, either stun or silence to defeat enemies . Before doing gank , prepare items that may be needed , such as dust , or smoke . And do not forget to coordinate the gank with your friends ,remember to focus on one target, and kill him first and then you can switch to another target . Highly recommended to chain stun ,waiting for the completion of the stun before casting the next stun.

For initiation using Earth Spirit , use the Rolling Boulder to advance towards the enemy , do not forget shortly after rolling , place the stones so that the farther distance performance. And then you can cast stun( Geomagnetic Grip) and then use ulti, and also don'tforget to use silence ( Boulder Smash ) . Ifyour combo is right then the enemy will dither and his Hp will become little, and friends can easily defeat the enemy .

Late Game
In the late game your main role is as an initiator to make some space for your teammates . As always use the Rolling Boulder to roll towards the enemy , then stun , then ulti and Silence . If all goes well, after you do a teamfight initiation, all enemies will be exposed to damage by 20-30% of their hp, besides that they will be stunned and silenced. And it would open widen the way for the carry to finish them off.


Starting Item
Branches: You need the branches to be build into Magic Wand later.
Tangoes: for recovering health,
Clarities: for mana, and don't forget to buy the
Wards: for scouting.

Early Items
Arcane Boots: You need the mana boots for your mana pool. you are a spammer hero who spams your every abilities on a teamfight. So you needs lots of mana to be able to do full action.
Magic Wand: And the magic wand if for a situation when you are almost getting killed, and you can save your life by using the charge.

Core Items
Veil: Increase magic damage received by enemies. This item will increase the damage from your ultimate and also all magical damage from your teammates. Pretty much needed to ensure the death of all enemies.
Mekans: Heal allies in the AoE. every team needs this, ensure the survivability of your teammates.
Pipe: Increase magic resistance for the team. With this item, your team is more tanky.
Drum: Increase attack speed and movement speed for the team.

Luxury Items:
Bkb: gives magic immunity during teamfights. pretty much increase your defense during every single teamfight.
Sheepstick: Increase the quality of your initiation. 
Shivas: Decrease enemys attack speed and movement speed.
Hellberd: Make 1 enemy to can't attack for some time. Pretty much needed for enemy that mainly attack using physical damage.